Rock Physics Templates (RPTs) are useful tools for well seismic quantitative interpretation that allow interpreters to understand rock properties variations for a given set of geophysical attributes. RPTs can be used in combination with seismic derived elastic attributes to estimate lithology, porosity and possibly fluid type in the prospective non drilled areas. RPTs are commonly built using rock physics models at log scale. However, depending on seismic data resolution and reservoir thickness, the elastic trend responses may not fall in agreement with the log scale domain. In this work we apply a methodology (Marin and Vera de Newton, 2016) for upscaling RPTs to the seismic frequency using well data from a thin gas shaly sandstone reservoir in the Lower Magdalena basin. Geobody extractions from the seismic inversion derived attributes show how upscaled RPTs allow the identification of thin reservoirs that were not previously detected using the log scale RPTs.