The evolution of drainage networks in mountain ranges is governed by multiple factors in which slope, climate-induced water discharge, rock uplift rate and lithology are the most important (Howard, 1994). It has been observed that largescale (10-100s km 2 ) river catchments generally retain a similar geometric form. Hack (1957) quantified this by proposing an empirical relationship between the length of the mainstream and the drainage area of a basin, expressed by b L cA , where L is the length of the mainstream; A is the drainage area of the basin; and c and b are constants that vary depending on headward extent, channel sinuosity and drainage density (Montgomery & Dietrich, 1992). In many mountain ranges such as Taiwan and the Southern Alps of New Zealand, this scaling is expressed by transverse catchments that are spaced at regular intervals along the range with an outlet spacing that approximates half the distance from the range front to the drainage divide (Hovius, 1996). This characteristic catchment geometry is particularly observed during early stages of orogenesis, and reflects an optimal shape for the balance between river incision and hillslope response (Perron et al., 2009). However, a number of mountain ranges such as the European Alps and Himalaya show a high degree of variance from this simple form, with valleys such as the Rhône and Indus Valleys extending longitudinally along the structural grain of the range (Kühni & Pfiffner, 2001a;Sinclair et al., 2017). Catchment shape of mountain ranges like the Pyrenees, European Alps, Atlas or Appalachian mountains appears to respond to the exhumation of higher strength basement rocks (