Abstract. Soil is the foundation of structure or construction that will receive the load transfer through to foundation. If the soil has a carrying capacity of small and cannot withstand the load transfer can result in the failure of construction. If the soil has a carrying capacity of small ground it is necessary to stabilize or improve the soil so that an increase in the carrying capacity of the land so that it can be used for construction. One material is commonly used for soil stabilization with the addition of lime. Waste chicken egg shell is waste that is still rarely used, the results of research [1], states that composition egg shell broadly consists of water (1,6%) and dry material (98,4%). The total dry ingredients are there, in shell eggs contained mineral elements (95,1%) and protein (3,3%). Based on the existing mineral composition, then the egg shells are composed of crystalline CaCO3 (98,43%), MgCO3 (0,84%) and Ca3(PO4)2 (0,75%). This research was done by adding powdered chicken egg shell waste in clay with a composition of 5%, 7,5%, 10% and 14% with physical properties test and soil compaction test.