Enhanced skeletal muscle and whole body insulin sensitivity can persist for up to 24 -48 h after one exercise session. This review focuses on potential mechanisms for greater postexercise and insulinstimulated glucose uptake (ISGU) by muscle in individuals with normal or reduced insulin sensitivity. A model is proposed for the processes underlying this improvement; i.e., triggers initiate events that activate subsequent memory elements, which store information that is relayed to mediators, which translate memory into action by controlling an end effector that directly executes increased insulin-stimulated glucose transport. Several candidates are potential triggers or memory elements, but none have been conclusively verified. Regarding potential mediators in both normal and insulin-resistant individuals, elevated postexercise ISGU with a physiological insulin dose coincides with greater Akt substrate of 160 kDa (AS160) phosphorylation without improved proximal insulin signaling at steps from insulin receptor binding to Akt activity. Causality remains to be established between greater AS160 phosphorylation and improved ISGU. The end effector for normal individuals is increased GLUT4 translocation, but this remains untested for insulin-resistant individuals postexercise. Following exercise, insulin-resistant individuals can attain ISGU values similar to nonexercising healthy controls, but after a comparable exercise protocol performed by both groups, ISGU for the insulin-resistant group has been consistently reported to be below postexercise values for the healthy group. Further research is required to fully understand the mechanisms underlying the improved postexercise ISGU in individuals with normal or subnormal insulin sensitivity and to explain the disparity between these groups after similar exercise. insulin sensitivity; physical activity; glucose transporter 4; AMP-activated protein kinase; Akt substrate of 160 kDa
Importance of Insulin-Stimulated Glucose Uptake by Skeletal MuscleUNDERSTANDING THE MECHANISMS regulating insulin-stimulated glucose uptake by skeletal muscle is important because 1) muscle accounts for most insulin-mediated glucose disposal (21) and 2) muscle insulin resistance is a key defect in the progression to type 2 diabetes mellitus (20,43,97). Even in nondiabetic individuals, insulin resistance increases the risk for atherogenesis, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, cognitive dysfunction, and some cancers (27,45,69).Insulin and exercise can independently increase glucose uptake secondary to redistribution of GLUT4 glucose transporters from the cell interior to cell surface membranes (CSM) (19,25,93). Elevated insulin-independent glucose uptake during exercise is mostly reversed by Ďł2-3 h postexercise, whereas enhanced muscle and whole body insulin sensitivity, detectable at Ďł1-4 h postexercise, can persist for up to 24 -48 h (1, 12, 13, 79, 88, 92, 124).Exercise capacity is related to muscle glycogen availability, and glycogen stores are diminished by vigorous exercise (59). Increase...