Background: Omega-6 and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) are precursors of pro-and anti-inflammatory lipid mediators. Serum PUFA levels could influence the severity of inflammatory oral diseases, such as gingivitis.
Objective:The study analyzed serum PUFA levels in a six-week randomized controlled trial in individuals on the Mediterranean diet (MedD), associations with the intake of specific foods, and possible correlations with oral inflammatory parameters.Methods: Data from 37 study participants on either a MedD (MedDG; n = 18) or a "Western diet" in the control group (CG, n = 19) were analyzed. Dental examinations and serum analyses were performed at two time points, T1 (baseline) and T2 (week 6). Serum PUFA status, adherence to the MedD, and data from a Food Frequency Questionnaire were analyzed.Results: Within the MedDG omega-6 fatty acid levels decreased significantly. In the overall sample, the proportional decrease in sites with bleeding on probing correlated weakly to moderately with the decrease in total omega-6 fatty acid level (Spearman's ρ = 0.274) and the decrease in gingival index correlated moderately with the decrease in linoleic acid level (Spearman's ρ = 0.351). Meat and fast-food consumption correlated positively with levels of various omega-6 fatty acids, whereas nut, fish, and dairy product consumption correlated positively with omega-3 levels.
Conclusion:Adherence to a MedD was associated with a decrease in serum omega-6 levels, which positively affected the omega-6/omega-3 ratio. The MedD associated reduction in serum omega-6 levels may be a mechanism that favorably affects gingival inflammatory parameters.