Summary. Plasma glucose, plasma It%I and pancreaticIt%I content were measured and B-cell morphology was studied in fasted, fed and glucose-injected normoglyeemic spiny mice of varying ages. Both high and low plasma II%I concentrations were observed at all ages, irrespective of the degree of pancreatic stimulation, In old but not in young animals, plasma II%I concentrations correlated with body weight, suggesting that accelerated weight gain was secondary to hyperinsulinemia. Pancreatic ll~I content was higher than in other strains of non-diabetic mice and increased with age but was unrelated to either plasma II~I concentrations, or to body weight individual age groups, l%elative to pancreatic IRI content, plasma II%I concentrations of spiny mice were lower than those of normal or obese-hyperglycemic mice of other strains. The B-cells showed an unusual degree of granulation. Pale granules predominated and had a characteristic tendency to fusion and confluence. With the exception of i out of 200 animals (in the islets of which emioeytosis was seen), no signs of enhanced insulin release could be observed. Nee-formation of /%granules by the Golgi complex of already well granulated cells was the only feature consistently associated with pancreatic stimulation by glucose injection. The data are in agreement with the hypothesis of a B-cell defect resulting in an impairment of insulin secretion and also suggest that the B-cells of normoglyeemie spiny mice may contain two compartments of insulin: one which is aeeessible to secretory stimulation and has a rapid turnover and one which is relatively inaccessible to stimulation and accumulates with age. Available data do not allow for the identification of the postulated defect or for the anatomical or physiological definition of the two compartments of insulin.
Etat mdtabolique, contenu pancrdatique en insuline et aspect morphologique des cellules B de la souris ~ piquants (Acomys cahirgnus) normoglycdmique: Possibilitd d'une altdration de la sdcrdtion de l'insulineRdsumd. En mesurant les taux plasmatiques de glucose et de l'insuline immunor6aetive (IgI), le contenu pancrgatique en IgI, et en gtudiant ~ l'aide du microscope 61ectronique les panerdas de souris k piquants normoglyedmiques ~ jeun, nourries ou apr~s injection intrapgritondale de glucose, les rdsultats suivants out 6t6 obtenus: sans tenir eompte du degr6 de stimulation paner6atique, les animaux des diff~rents groupes d'gge out pu 8tre classgs en deux eatggories, soit ceux ayant une concentration basse ou 61evde d'IRI plasmatique. Le fair qu'une eorrglation entre le poids corporel et la concentration en II%I plasmatique peut 8tre dtablie chez les animaux adultes, mais non pus chez les jeunes, indique que l'augmentation du poids eorporel est plut6t la eonsgquenee que la cause de l'hyperinsulindmie. Par rapport d'autres espbees de souris normales ou hypergIycdmiques, le contenu pancr4atique en insuline des souris ~ piquants dtait 61evd et augmenta progressivement avee * Supported by the Fends National Suisse de la ...