Most probable number counts showed that denitrifying species were the numerically predominant NO, reducing bacteria in the faeces of five methanogenic individuals [about 1O1O bacteria (g dry wt faeces)-']. In faecal slurries, however, denitrification was a relatively minor route of NO, dissimilation, since only about 3 % of the NO, was converted to gaseous products, with NO: being mainly reduced to NO, and NHI. When K N 0 2 was added to the slurries, denitrification became quantitatively more significant with approximately 23 % of the NO: being lost as gaseous products. The addition of KNO, (10 mM) to slurries containing either starch or casein significantly decreased H2 and CH4 production. The effect of NO? on methanogenesis was twofold : firstly, H2 accumulation decreased due to diversion of electrons towards NOg/NO? reduction, and as a result of H2 being used as an electron donor for NO, reduction, resulting in the removal of the methanogenic substrate ; secondly, there was direct inhibition of methane-producing bacteria by NO, and NO?. In starch-containing slurries, acetate : butyrate molar ratios were increased when NO: was added but this effect was not observed when casein replaced starch. These results show that the ability of NOg/NO? to act as an electron sink can significantly influence the major products of the human colonic fermentation.