Kawabe T, Kawabe K, Sapru HN. Cardiovascular effect of angiotensin-(1-12) in the caudal ventrolateral medullary depressor area of the rat. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 306: H438 -H449, 2014. First published November 27, 2013 doi:10.1152/ajpheart.00628.2013.-Angiotensin (ANG)-(1-12) excites neurons via ANG II type 1 receptors (AT 1Rs), which are present in the caudal ventrolateral medullary depressor area (CVLM). We hypothesized that microinjections of ANG-(1-12) into the CVLM may elicit decreases in mean arterial pressure (MAP), heart rate (HR), and sympathetic nerve activity. This hypothesis was tested in urethane-anesthetized adult male Wistar rats. Microinjections of ANG-(1-12) into the CVLM elicited decreases in MAP, HR, and greater splanchnic nerve activity (GSNA). ANG-(1-12)-induced responses consisted of initial (first 1-8 min) and delayed (8 -24 min) phases. Prior microinjections of losartan, A-779, and captopril into the CVLM blocked initial, delayed, and both phases of ANG-(1-12) responses, respectively. Blockade of GABA receptors in the rostral ventrolateral medullary pressor area (RVLM) attenuated cardiovascular responses elicited by microinjections of ANG-(1-12) into the ipsilateral CVLM. Microinjections of ANG-(1-12) into the CVLM potentiated the reflex decreases and attenuated the reflex increases in GSNA elicited by intravenous injections of phenylephrine and sodium nitroprusside, respectively. These results indicate that microinjections of ANG-(1-12) into the CVLM elicit decreases in MAP, HR, and GSNA. Initial and delayed phases of these responses are mediated via ANG II and ANG-(1-7), respectively; the effects of ANG II and ANG-(1-7) are mediated via AT 1Rs and Mas receptors, respectively. Captopril blocked both phases of ANG-(1-12) responses, indicating that angiotensin-converting enzyme is important in mediating these responses. GABA receptors in the RVLM partly mediate the cardiovascular responses to microinjections of ANG-(1-12) into the CVLM. Microinjections of ANG-(1-12) into the CVLM modulate baroreflex responses.angiotensin II receptors; baroreflex; GABAergic neurons; Mas receptors; sympathetic nerve activity ANGIOTENSIN (ANG)-(1-12), a new ANG, has been recently identified (29). In brain tissue, the concentration of ANG-(1-12) is about five times greater than ANG II (29). Unlike ANG II, renin is not involved in the formation of ANG-(1-12) (15, 40), prompting the suggestion that ANG-(1-12) may act as a renin-independent alternative substrate for the formation of ANG II in several organs (40). In the periphery, ANG-(1-12) may exert its actions via a rapid conversion to ANG II because pressor responses elicited by intravenous injections of ANG-(1-12) in the rat were blocked by prior injections of an ANG type 1 receptor (AT 1 R) antagonist (29). Because it is known that ANG I and ANG II can be converted into ANG-(1-7) (41), there is a possibility that ANG-(1-7) may be formed from ANG-(1-12) in the brain. The receptors via which ANG-(1-7) exerts its actions [Mas receptors (MasRs)] have ...