In Ayurveda, treatment with intentional therapeutic heat burns is called Agnikarma (thermal cauterization), which is one of the para-surgical procedures. It is also called Dahan Karma (thermal cauterization). Various painful conditions like joint pain, sciatica, tendinopathies, headache, abdominal cramps/discomfort, and few convulsive disorders like epilepsy, schizophrenia, psycho-somatic disorders, and some skin diseases can be treated with this intentional heat burn therapy. Agnikarma has widely been used in clinical practice since time immemorial and is said to have immediate and long-lasting relief, as mentioned in the Indian traditional therapy. This para-surgical procedure is practiced in all teaching institutes of Ayurveda in India, and many researchers are publishing the research work done on Agnikarma in musculo-skeletal disorders. In this chapter, the concept of Agnikarma along with a brief procedure and published evidence-based research studies on osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee joint treated with Agnikarma are critically analyzed. This chapter contributes the knowledge of the Indian traditional para-surgical procedure in musculoskeletal disorders in general and OA knee joint in particular.