Isotropic three-dimensional (3D) acquisition is a challenging task in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Particularly in cardiac MRI, due to hardware and time limitations, current 3D acquisitions are limited by low-resolution, especially in the through-plane direction, leading to poor image quality in that dimension. To overcome this problem, super-resolution (SR) techniques have been proposed to reconstruct a single isotropic 3D volume from multiple anisotropic acquisitions. Previously, local regularization techniques such as total variation have been applied to limit noise amplification while preserving sharp edges and small features in the images. In this paper, inspired by the recent progress in patch-based reconstruction, we propose a novel isotropic 3D reconstruction scheme that integrates non-local and self-similarity information from 3D patch neighborhoods. By grouping 3D patches with similar structures, we enforce the natural sparsity of MR images, which can be expressed by a low-rank structure, leading to robust image reconstruction with high signal-to-noise ratio efficiency. An Augmented Lagrangian formulation of the problem is proposed to efficiently decompose the optimization into a low-rank volume denoising and a SR reconstruction. Experimental results in simulations, brain imaging and clinical cardiac MRI, demonstrate that the proposed joint SR and self-similarity learning framework outperforms current state-of-the-art methods. The proposed reconstruction of isotropic 3D volumes may be particularly useful for cardiac applications, such as myocardial infarction scar assessment by late gadolinium enhancement MRI.