As we all have known in recent years, digitalization is a key topic for almost all manufacturing and trading companies. This trend was accelerated not only by the Covid-19 pandemic but also by the ever-increasing demands on the conditions and mutual interactions of all market entities. The need to digitalize production processes, as well as offer and sales activities towards customers, forced even a very traditional field such as automotive to completely change the structure of its production and sales processes. And that in a very short period of time, let's say a couple of years. Producers also had to respond to the global and rapid development of IT by researching and developing new products. The pioneer of digital/online selling worldwide is the used car market, but in recent years producers and sellers have focused on new automotive products. These products, especially electric drive technology, vehicle-connected services, autonomous driving, and car sharing, mean an important change of customers' needs from vehicle ownership to mobility on demand. They bring necessary changes to the automotive market for all subjects. In recent years, the customer has also changed, and his transformation of purchasing behavior will continue. So how has the evolution of customer buying behavior responded to the rapid global changes in business in this field? And what will the "new digital" automotive customer look like? The article deals with differences between addressing traditional automotive customers and the approach and perception of the offer to the modern customer generation, which is daily and aggressively influenced by the offer of the "reborn" automotive market.