The IR spectra of water vapor-carbon dioxide mixtures as well as the spectra of pure gas samples have been recorded using a Fourier-transform infrared spectrometer at a resolution of 0.1 cm-1 in order to explore the effect of colliding CO 2 and H 2 O molecules on their continuum absorptions. The sample temperatures were 294, 311, 325 and 339 K. Measurements have been conducted at several different water vapor partial pressures depending on the cell temperature. Carbon dioxide pressures were kept close to the three values of 103, 207 and 311 kPa (1.02, 2.04 and 3.07 atm). The path length used in the study was 100 m. It was established that, in the region around 1100 cm-1 , the continuum absorption coefficient 2 2 2 2 appears to be about one order of magnitude stronger than the absorption coefficient 2 2 CO CO C in pure carbon dioxide. The continuum interpretation and the main problem of molecular band shape formation are discussed in light of these experimental facts.