Geometry effects in the SOL and divertor, which are the main focus of a variety of present tokamaks, are reviewed. Since divertor detachment constitutes a central element in this context, some basic results on divertor detachment are also summarised. The discussion of issues that played a role in recent experimental campaigns and their theoretical and numerical analysis form a major part of the paper. Emphasis is placed on gas target related effects. An attempt is made to reduce the impact of geometry to a small number of basic mechanisms. 1 Introduction Studies of divertor and SOL related geometry effects have a long history in fusion research and include topics such as: o The impact of different divertor concepts (Single null versus double null, poloidal versus toroidal divertors) o The impact of plasma shape (elongation, triangularity, flux geometry in the divertor) o The impact of divertor geometry -Impact of divertor chamber shape (Divertor closure, open versus slot or box divertor) -Impact of plate geometry (Plate inclination)While the comparison of different divertor concepts has played an important role during the previous generation of divertor tokamaks (ASDEX, DITE, JFT-2M, etc.) the single null poloidal divertor has now become the prevailing option. The impact of plasma shape is normally covered by the question of how SOL related phenomena (e.g., density limits) depend on shaping parameters. Currently, the main interest is in impact of divertor geometry and this will be the main topic of this paper. This development is intimately related to the discovery and understanding of divertor detachment during the past years. While in attached, low temperature regimes the plasma experiences the surrounding walls merely through the target, neutrals provide an intensive interaction between divertor plasma and even remote parts of the wall, when detachment occurs. This provides a variety of subtle ways how divertor geometry may come into play and makes divertor detachment an essential ingredient of the topic under discussion. We will therefore summarise some elements of detachment physics, relevant in this context, in a separate section.Effects of divertor geometry are naturally discussed with a view to their impact on the basic performance requirements a divertor has to meet in a next generation device such as 1TER, namely [1]:(i) Neutral retainment to keep neutrals away from the main chamber to avoid main chamber