Effectiveness of a traffic sign is greatly influenced by design and non-design factors. The non-design factors are influenced, among other things, by drivers' driving skills and comprehension of the meaning of such signs. Questionnaires distributed to a total of 202 respondents who have obtained driver's license and are domiciled in Soloraya region. These questionnaires examine these respondents' comprehension of the existing 15 traffic signs. Based on the response provided by the respondents, it is revealed that 67% of the respondents has the correct comprehension of the traffic signs meaning. The F-test indicates that the variables of age, sex, education, occupation, type of driver's license owned and the length of time driver's license simultaneously bring a significant effect on the obtained score for the respondents' comprehension, but only the variable of the type of driver's license owned which partially has a significant effect on the respondents' comprehension of the traffic signs.