The technology of ABS and impact polystyrene resins shows that incorporation of a dispersed rubber phase of appropri ate properties can raise impact toughness by an order of magnitude, apparently by increasing the energy-absorbing volume in the resin. Principal existing theories of the tough ening of brittle plastics by rubber dispersion are considered; all appear quite limited in ability to explain known phe nomena and have substantial difficulties. It is proposed that the mechanism whereby rubber dispersions greatly increase energy-absorbing volume is by causing cracks and/or crazes to branch dynamically at rubber sites through the Yoffe mechanism (35). The theory explains anomalous morpho logical evidence and is supported by evidence from a variety of physical measurements."Qolymers such as poly (methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) and polysty-A rene are brittle on a macro scale, but on a micro scale they are enor mously tough. Crack propagation in these materials requires 3 Χ 10 5 to 2 χ 10 e ergs/cm 2 of new crack surface (5), far more than the theoretical value of --450 ergs/cm 2 (5) calculated assuming that fracture involves breakage of molecules oriented perpendicular to the crack surface. The formation of interference colors at the crack surface indicates the pres ence of a low density oriented (crazed) layer at the crack surface (6, 18), and this layer is commonly thought to have absorbed the energy measured. Assuming 2μ as the upper limit of layer thickness (18), it is calculated that the deforming layer in the plastic absorbs 5 Χ 10 8 ergs/gram. This is about half the average specific energy dissipation in a tough, ductile steel (yield stress 48,000 psi, ultimate elongation 31% ).The apparent brittleness of PMMA, polystyrene, and styrene/acrylonitrile copolymer (S/AN) arises because energy absorption is confined 86 Downloaded by UCSF LIB CKM RSCS MGMT on December 1, 2014 |