Porous liquids are an ewly developed porous material that combine unique fluidity with permanent porosity, which exhibit promising functionalities for av ariety of applications.H owever,t he apparent incompatibility between fluidity and permanent porosity makes the stabilization of porous nanoparticle with still empty pores in the dense liquid phase as ignificant challenging.H erein, by exploiting the electrostatic interaction between carbon networks and polymerized ionic liquids,w ed emonstrate that carbon-based porous nanoarchitectures can be well stabilized in liquids to affordpermanent porosity,and thus opens up anew approach to prepare porous carbon liquids.F urthermore,w eh ope this facile synthesis strategy can be widely applicated to fabricate other types of porous liquids,s uch as those (e.g., carbon nitride,b oron nitride,m etal-organic frameworks,c ovalent organic frameworks etc.) also having the electrostatic interaction with polymerizedionic liquids,evidently advancing the development and understanding of porous liquids.