Fermented dairy has a profound effect on human health. Fermented dairy foods
affect human health through the secretion of biologically active compounds
through microorganisms' protein digestion and the interaction between beneficial
microbes in them and the intestine. An unbalanced diet and an unhealthy lifestyle
are directly linked to inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome, diarrhea, hypersensitivity, lactose intolerance, and gastroenteritis. Studies have shown
that fermented dairy products (fermented milk, yogurt, cheese, koumiss, kefir)
helped in the immune response against pathogens by adding antioxidants, anti-microbials, anti-fungals, anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic and anti-atherosclerotic
agents. Fermented products have also been widely used as the most effective means
of delivering beneficial or digestible probiotic microbes. Fermented milk has many
health benefits. It relieves the symptoms of lactose intolerance and is used to prevent colon cancer. Several studies have indicated the ability of lactic acid bacteria
to prevent and inhibit the growth of cancer cells. Curd also has a laxative effect
and facilitates the passage of waste, preventing the risk of constipation and its complications, such as diverticulosis and colon cancer. The results of scientific research
have shown the ability of the metabolites found in fermented milk and other foods
containing it to further improve the immune capabilities of the intestine through
increasing immune proteins IGA, which helps humans in the prevention and protection of diarrhea and intestinal infections, especially in children, Fermented milk
is also used to reduce the severity of the winter cold. It was a vital stimulant in
treating patients with colds, influenza, and colds. The results showed a remarkable
difference in the ability of these vital stimulants to reduce the severity and duration
of colds and colds. However, they did not show an effect in the treatment of influenza. Fermented milk reduces allergy to milk protein, as many people suffer from
milk protein allergy. This article focuses mainly on the health effects and the most
important functional components of fermented milk, thus providing an excellent
opportunity to develop functional dairy products supported by new lactic acid bacteria that support human health. This paper provides an overview of different aspects of the research on microorganisms present in dairy products in the light of
their impact on human health.
Keywords: microbes, colon cancer, fermented, Human.