Introduction- Non-resolving pneumonia is always a challenging clinical scenerio where Various diagnostic modalities are greatly required to
reach the diagnosis. We aimed to study The role of beroptic bronchoscopy in non-resolving pneumonia along with the various comorbidities
associated with the disease condition.
Methodology- A prospective observative study in a tertiary care hospital was undertaken. A total of 40 patients diagnosed with non-resolving
pneumonia were recruited for diagnostic beroptic bronchoscopy.
Results- The overall diagnostic yield of beroptic bronchoscopy in non-resolving pneumonia was 87.5%. The causes of non-resolving pneumonia
were Tuberculosis(22.5%), bacterial pneumonia(45%), malignancy(15%), fungal pneumonia(5%). 12.5% patients were undiagnosed. Patients
had a signicant past history which also revealed associated comorbid conditions. Diabetes(14(33%)) and COPD(11(27.5%)) were leading
comorbid conditions.
Conclusion- Fiberoptic Bronchoscopy is a great utility tool in reaching the diagnosis in patients with non-resolving pneumonia.