INTRODUCTION :. Nowadays; fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) is gaining increasing popularity in the
diagnosis of bony lesions (1).In the majority of patients,the combined evaluation of clinical and radiologic data together
with the FNAC result has been sufficient for making treatment decisions. Only in a minority of patients, it has been
necessary to perform biopsy before definitive treatment (2, 3). Many specific bone tumors either benign or malignant
can be diagnosed correctly by FNAC alone (4).
AIM : To determine the correlation between different FNAC and Radiological Imaging of Bony lesion.
MATERIAL AND METHODS: We have selected fifty cases that suspected to be bony lesion either clinically or
radiologically.Prior doing FNAC,radiologic imaging done on these patients.Then FNAC was done in the Cytopathology
section of department of Pathology,RIMS,Ranchi.
RESULTS: Out of 50 cases cytological diagnosis made possible in 47 cases.Maximum no of cases 20 (40%) were in the
age group 11-20 years. Male: female ratio of 1.6:1. Most common bone involved was tibia followed by femur.
Osteoclastoma (46%) was the most common benign bony whereas Osteosarcoma (43%) was most malignant bone
tumor followed by Ewing's sarcoma (36%). Out of 50 cases radiological diagnosis was available only in 40 cases. In 40
cases,23 cases (57.50%) have similar Cytological diagnosis as that of radiological diagnosis.The sensitivity,specificity,
positive predictive value and negative predictive value were 80%, 88%, 86.9% and 81.4% respectively. The accuracy
was 84%.