The activity of n0utrophil cytosolic phospholipase C on PIP, and P! was compared employing ['~H]inositol-labeled heat-inactivated membranes of differentiated HL-60 cells, into which tracer ['~2P]PIP, was incorporated. Hydrolysis of PIP 2 did not require Ca -~+ and was stimulated when the content of PIP, in the i~embrane was increased by incorporation of unlabeled inositoi lipid. At equal concentrations of PI and PIP, in the membrane, hydrolysis of PIP~ was faster and no evidence of competition between the two substrates was obtained. Incorporation of P! into PE-[ "~-" P]PIP, vesicles, accelerated PIP e hydrolysis also at conditions that favor hydrolysis of PI. Partial purification of neutrophil cytosolic PLC on Q Sepharose, phenyl Sepharose and heparin-Agarose columns is described. From heparin-Agarose column, two PLC activity peaks exhibiting different substrate spccificities were elutcd. The elution profile of the main PLC species from Superose 12 gel filtration column was compatible with an approx. 150 kDa protein.