The Smu0630 protein (AtlA) was recently shown to be involved in cell separation, biofilm formation, and autolysis. Here, transcriptional studies revealed that atlA is part of a multigene operon under the control of at least three promoters. The morphology and biofilm-forming capacity of a nonpolar altA mutant could be restored to that of the wild-type strain by adding purified AtlA protein to the medium. A series of truncated derivatives of AtlA revealed that full activity required the C terminus and repeat regions. AtlA was cell associated and readily extractable from with sodium dodecyl sulfate. Of particular interest, the surface protein profile of AtlA-deficient strains was dramatically altered compared to the wild-type strain, as was the nature of the association of the multifunctional adhesin P1 with the cell wall. In addition, AtlA-deficient strains failed to develop competence as effectively as the parental strain. Mutation of thmA, which can be cotranscribed with atlA and encodes a putative pore-forming protein, resulted in a phenotype very similar to that of the AtlAdeficient strain. ThmA was also shown to be required for efficient processing of AtlA to its mature form, and treatment of the thmA mutant strain with full-length AtlA protein did not restore normal cell separation and biofilm formation. The effects of mutating other genes in the operon on cell division, biofilm formation, or AtlA biogenesis were not as profound. This study reveals that AtlA is a surface-associated protein that plays a critical role in the network connecting cell surface biogenesis, biofilm formation, genetic competence, and autolysis.Bacteria produce a variety of enzymes involved in the modification and degradation of peptidoglycan, including N-acetyglucosaminidases, N-acetylmuramidases, N-acetylmuramyl-Lalanine amidases, endopeptidases, and transglycosylases (31,54,71,80). Some of these enzymes are known as autolysins because they digest the cell wall when cells are exposed to unfavorable conditions (70,71,80). The presence of these enzymes may not be sufficient for lysis, and additional factors may be required to activate or regulate the activity of the autolysins (44), presumably to protect the cells from the lytic activity of the enzymes. Peptidoglycan hydrolases have also been demonstrated to play critical roles in cell wall turnover, cell growth, antibiotic resistance, cell-to-surface adhesion, genetic competence, and protein secretion (9,23,28,51,74), as well as contributing to virulence (8, 86). In many bacteria, a correlation of a lack of peptidoglycan hydrolase(s) activity and a failure in cell separation has been reported (35,60,77,87).An increasing number of peptidoglycan hydrolases have been identified in gram-positive bacteria, including Bacillus subtilis (37,39,48,59,74), Lactococcus lactis (11,12,22,34,75), Listeria monocytogenes (57, 79, 86), Staphylococcus aureus (19,36,53,78), Enterococcus faecalis (15,16,55,56,72,73), and Streptococcus pneumoniae (8,18,20,83). Recently, during a search for surface prote...