Voice change is a common complaint after thyroid surgery and has significant impacts on quality of life. The Korean Society of Laryngology, Phoniatrics, and Logopedics set up a task force team to establish guideline recommendations on education, care, and management related to thyroid surgery. The guideline recommendations include preoperative voice education, management of anticipated voice change during surgery, and comprehensive voice care after thyroid surgery, including in-depth information and up-to-date knowledge based on validated literature. The committee constructed 14 key questions (KQ) in three categories: preoperative (KQ1–2), intraoperative (KQ 3–8), and postoperative (KQ 9–14) management and developed 18 evidence-based recommendations. The Delphi survey reached an agreement on each recommendation. Detailed evidence profiles are presented for each recommendation. The level of evidence for each recommendation is classified into high, moderate, and low-quality. The recommendation