How might synaptic dynamics generate synchronous oscillations in neuronal networks? We address this question in the preBötzinger complex (preBötC), a brainstem neural network that paces robust, yet labile, inspiration in mammals. The preBötC is composed of a few hundred neurons that alternate bursting activity with silent periods, but the mechanism underlying this vital rhythm remains elusive. Using a computational approach to model a randomly connected neuronal network that relies on short-term synaptic facilitation (SF) and depression (SD), we show that synaptic fluctuations can initiate population activities through recurrent excitation. We also show that a two-step SD process allows activity in the network to synchronize (bursts) and generate a population refractory period (silence). The model was validated against an array of experimental conditions, which recapitulate several processes the preBötC may experience. Consistent with the modeling assumptions, we reveal, by electrophysiological recordings, that SF/SD can occur at preBötC synapses on timescales that influence rhythmic population activity. We conclude that nondeterministic neuronal spiking and dynamic synaptic strengths in a randomly connected network are sufficient to give rise to regular respiratory-like rhythmic network activity and lability, which may play an important role in generating the rhythm for breathing and other coordinated motor activities in mammals.central pattern generator | synaptic depression | mathematical modeling | numerical simulations | breathing C entral pattern generators (CPGs) are neuronal circuits that generate coordinated activity in the absence of sensory input (1). One such mammalian CPG, the preBötzinger complex (preBötC), gives rise to the eupneic respiratory rhythm (2, 3). Located in the medulla, the preBötC preserves a spontaneous respiratory-like rhythm when isolated in transverse slices, but the precise nature of the cellular and synaptic mechanisms underlying rhythmogenesis remains elusive (3-7). An early hypothesis was that the neuronal activity is driven by intrinsically bursting pacemaker neurons synchronized via excitatory synaptic connections (2,6,8,9). However, electrophysiological and modeling studies (7, 10-12) now suggest the rhythm emerges through stochastic activation of intrinsic currents conveyed by recurrent synaptic connections, without the need for pacemaker neurons (3,4,11,13,14). In either case, excitatory synapses are required for rhythm generation; the possibility that synaptic properties also underlie periodic burst initiation and termination is yet to be demonstrated.Synaptic transmission relies on the release of vesicles, which can be modulated at the presynaptic terminal. Synaptic depression (SD), based on vesicular release, consists of decaying release probability after sustained activity, which subsequently decreases excitability within the underlying connected network. Conversely, synaptic facilitation (SF) enhances vesicular release probability and promotes neuronal synchronizatio...