have analyzed the role of band narrowing/broadening in the magnetic
and electronic properties of low dimensional itinerant strongly correlated
electronic systems, which is particularly important in 3d transition
elements. Density functional theory and mean field results have been
coupled to explain the magnetic phenomenon in a one-dimensional monatomic
chain of 3d transition elements Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, and Ni.
We found that in the ferromagnetic ground state not only the band
splitting but also the relative band narrowing/broadening play a crucial
role, and the bandwidths of both spins become different as a manifestation
of correlated spin hopping interaction. For less than the half-filled
band (i.e., for Sc, Ti, V, and Cr), the up spin band broadens, and
the down spin band narrows. For the (half and) more than half filled
band (i.e., for Mn, Fe, Co, and Ni), the down spin band broadens,
and the up spin band narrows. As a result, (in most of the cases)
only one spin channel is present for conduction, showing ferromagnetism
which could be useful for spintronics.