Reactive scattering of O(3P) atoms with
CH2ICl molecules has been measured at initial
translational energies
E ∼ 46 and 17 kJ mol-1 using a
supersonic beam of O atoms seeded in He and Ne buffer gases
from a high-pressure microwave discharge source. At the higher initial
translational energy, the IO product
scattering can be resolved into two components; one showing forward and
backward peaking with a product
translational energy distribution peaking at low energy with a tail
extending out to higher energy, and the
other that peaks in the backward direction with higher product
translational energy. At lower initial translational energy, the IO product scattering does not allow the resolution
of two components but peaks in the
backward direction with a higher product translational energy than for
scattering in the forward hemisphere.
The slow component is attributed to dissociation of a long-lived
OICH2Cl complex formed by intersystem
crossing from the initial triplet 3A‘‘ potential energy
surface to the underlying singlet 1A‘ potential
surface. The fast component is attributed to direct reaction over the
triplet potential energy surface with the
sharp backward peaking arising from reaction on the
3Π2 and 3Π1 spin
multiplet surfaces in near collinear
OICH2Cl configurations and the scattering in the
sideways and forward directions arising from reaction on
the 3A‘‘ Renner Teller surface in strongly bent
configurations. The contribution of the slow component is
approximately one-third that of the fast component to the total
reaction cross section for IO product scattering.