The article provides a comparative analysis of the experience of designing domestic and foreign public spaces in the structure of multifunctional youth complexes. The relevance of the topic is justified by the fact that modern public spaces are multifunctional objects in which leisure, cultural, educational and other activities of young people can be implemented. The article determines the types of public spaces such as sports grounds, amphitheater, atrium, fab lab, eco-space, assembly hall, Blackbox multifunctional hall in youth complexes, studies the functional composition and planning structure of public spaces, as well as the ways to organize various events and highlights the ways of interaction of public spaces with the structure of the youth complex. The elements of improvement are integrated into the structure of the complex. Public spaces can be the main function of the complex (fab lab, Blackbox hall), recreational and communication (atrium) or secondary (amphitheater, eco-space). Eco-spaces, presented in the form of urban farms, "green" laboratories are of particular interest. The article shows the specificity of foreign public spaces, which is in interactivity, multifunctionality, versatility, innovative solutions, the use of "green technologies", modern materials and design solutions and reveals the problems in architectural and planning solutions of domestic public spaces such as standard solutions, monofunctionality. The development of architectural and planning solutions for public spaces in the structure of multifunctional youth complexes in accordance with the interests of young people will allow developing various scenarios such as training, self-education, communication, entertainment.