A one-dimensional particle-in-cell (PIC) simulation tracks a fast magnetosonic shock over time scales comparable to an inverse ion gyrofrequency. The magnetic pressure is comparable to the thermal pressure upstream. The shock propagates across a uniform background magnetic field with a pressure that equals the thermal pressure upstream at the angle 85 • at a speed that is 1.5 times the fast magnetosonic speed in the electromagnetic limit. Electrostatic contributions to the wave dispersion increase its phase speed at large wave numbers, which leads to a convex dispersion curve. A fast magnetosonic precursor forms ahead of the shock with a phase speed that exceeds the fast magnetosonic speed by about ∼ 30%. The wave is slower than the shock and hence it is damped.
PACS numbers:Several particle-in-cell (PIC) simulation studies have found shocks that resemble their counterparts in a magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) plasma. The plasma model, on which PIC codes are based, assumes that effects caused by binary collisions between plasma particles are negligible compared to the collective interaction of the ensemble of plasma particles. We call such a plasma collisionless. Binary collisions are essential in an MHD model as they remove nonthermal plasma features and equilibrate the temperatures of all plasma species.Previous one-dimensional PIC simulations studied the propagation of MHD shocks across a perpendicular magnetic field. Shocks reached a steady state [1-3] if they moved slow enough to avoid a self-reformation [4]. Selfreformation is a process that is not captured by an MHD model. If the shock propagates perpendicularly to the magnetic field then the dispersion relation of fast magnetosonic waves is concave for high frequency waves, which implies that their phase velocity decreases with increasing wave numbers; shock steepening drives slower waves that fall behind the shock as seen in Ref. [3].Here we demonstrate with a one-dimensional PIC simulation how turning the concave dispersion relation into a convex one removes the trailing wave and gives rise to a shock precursor. The precursor is formed by fast magnetosonic modes that outrun the shock.We compare aspects of the dispersion relation of a collisionless plasma with those of a single-fluid MHD model. The latter is valid for frequencies below the ion gyrofrequency ω ci = ZeB 0 /m i (Z, e, B 0 , m i : ion charge state, elementary charge, amplitude of the background magnetic field and ion mass). One characteristic speed of this model is that of soundc s = (γp 0 /m i n 0 ) 1/2 , where n 0 is the plasma density, p 0 the thermal pressure and γ = 5/3 the ratio of specific heats. The Alfvén speed v A = B 0 /(µ 0 m i n 0 ) 1/2 andβ =c 2 s /v 2 A equals the ratio of the plasma's thermal to magnetic pressure.The phase speed of waves in the MHD plasma depends on their propagation direction relative to the magnetic field. We define θ as the angle between the wave vector k, which is parallel to the x-axis, and the magnetic field B 0 = (B 0 cos θ, 0, B 0 sin θ). Two waves exist if...