Thoracic aortic aneurysm (TAA) should be treated before the complications with prophylactic surgery. However, important number of ruptures have been occurred below the cut-off size for surgery. In addition, in some cases, who in the cut-off value limit, decision of surgery may sometimes be difficult.
Fluoro-deoxy-glukose positron emission tomography/computed tomography (
FDG-PET/CT) may useful such situations. We present a case that, TAA in
FDG-PET/CT in a patient with larynx carcinoma. He had a TAA with near the cut-off value and increased metabolic activity in baseline imaging. After 3 months, SUV
value increased and elective surgery was performed. We think that aneurysms may be another pathology that
FDG-PET/CT potentially be useful apart from imaging malignant diseases.