Transfer-and fusion-induced fission in inverse kinematics has proved to be a powerful tool to investigate nuclear fission, widening information on the fission fragments and access to unstable fissioning systems with respect to other experimental approaches. An experimental campaign is being carried out at GANIL with this technique since 2008. In these experiments, a beam of 238 U, accelerated to 6.1 MeV/u, impinges on a 12 C target. Fissioning systems from U to Cf are populated through inelastic scattering, transfer, and fusion reactions, with excitation energies that range from a few MeV up to 46 MeV. The use of inverse kinematics, the SPIDER telescope, and the VAMOS spectrometer allow the characterization of the fissioning system in terms of mass, nuclear charge, and excitation energy, and the isotopic identification of the full fragment distribution. This work reports on new data from the second experiment of the campaign on fission-fragment yields of the heavy actinides 238 U, 239 Np, 240 Pu, 244 Cm, and 250 Cf, which are of interest from both fundamental and application points of view.