cMicrobial communities have the potential to control the biogeochemical fate of some radionuclides in contaminated land scenarios or in the vicinity of a geological repository for radioactive waste. However, there have been few studies of ionizing radiation effects on microbial communities in sediment systems. Here, acetate and lactate amended sediment microcosms irradiated with gamma radiation at 0.5 or 30 Gy h ؊1 for 8 weeks all displayed NO 3 ؊ and Fe(III) reduction, although the rate of Fe(III) reduction was decreased in 30-Gy h ؊1 treatments. These systems were dominated by fermentation processes. Pyrosequencing indicated that the 30-Gy h ؊1 treatment resulted in a community dominated by two Clostridial species. In systems containing no added electron donor, irradiation at either dose rate did not restrict NO 3 ؊ , Fe(III), or SO 4 2؊ reduction. Rather, Fe(III) reduction was stimulated in the 0.5-Gy h ؊1 -treated systems. In irradiated systems, there was a relative increase in the proportion of bacteria capable of Fe(III) reduction, with Geothrix fermentans and Geobacter sp. identified in the 0.5-Gy h ؊1 and 30-Gy h ؊1 treatments, respectively. These results indicate that biogeochemical processes will likely not be restricted by dose rates in such environments, and electron accepting processes may even be stimulated by radiation.
In many countries, including the United Kingdom, the current policy for the long-term disposal of intermediate-level radioactive waste is to a deep geological disposal facility (GDF). In UK disposal concepts for higher-strength rocks and lower-strength sedimentary rocks, much of the intermediate-level radioactive waste is immobilized with a cementitious grout in stainless steel containers that are then surrounded with a cementitious backfill prior to closure of the facility (1). The vicinity of a GDF will not be a sterile environment, and microbial activity in the surrounding geosphere could have important implications for the evolution of biogeochemical processes, including microbial gas generation and utilization, microbially induced corrosion of waste containers and contents, and the mobility of radionuclides (2). In addition, there will be elevated concentrations of potential electron donors in and around the repository, including organics from the degradation of cellulose in the waste (3), and also molecular hydrogen from the radiolysis of water and the anaerobic corrosion of steel drums (4). Indeed, the availability of alternative electron acceptors will likely not be limited, since nitrate can be present in nuclear waste materials (5), and Fe(III) will be present due to aerobic corrosion of waste components and engineered infrastructure during the operational phase of the GDF.The stimulation of an Fe(III)-reducing community due to an increase in electron donors and acceptors is of particular interest since this may promote the reduction and precipitation of redoxactive radionuclides via the production of biogenic Fe(II)-bearing phases (2, 6). Indeed, many key Fe(III)-reducin...