Organic molecular crystals represent an excellent platform for fundamental studies of optoelectronic properties of organic semiconductors. [ 1 ] Rubrene, in particular, has attracted significant attention due to a very low density of charge traps, recordhigh charge carrier mobility, and a very large micrometer-scale exciton diffusion length. [ 2 , 3 ] In this study, using rubrene as a model compound questions related to the interaction of crystalline organic semiconductors with oxygen are addressed. Although the chemistry of photo-oxidation of rubrene in solution and gas phases is understood based on self-sensitized photo-oxidation (see for example, Ref. [ 4 ] ), the mechanism of oxygen incorporation and its effect on the photophysical properties of crystalline rubrene still remain controversial. Mitrofanov et al. [ 5 ] identifi ed an oxygen-related in-gap band in photooxidized rubrene by means of a two-photon photoluminescence excitation spectroscopy and showed that oxygen is concentrated near the surface of the crystals. Krellner et al. [ 6 ] revealed that an oxygen-related impurity forms an acceptor-like in-gap state in rubrene with an energy ≈ 0.28 eV above the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO). X. Song et al. [ 7 ] used photoemission and X-ray absorption spectroscopies to show that the HOMO of oxidized rubrene is ≈ 1 eV deeper than that of pure rubrene and hence can not account for formation of acceptor-like states within the bandgap. Therefore, in this contribution, we set out to answer the following questions: What triggers oxygen incorporation in molecular crystals? What is its effect on the conductivity of these materials? What dictates the depth distribution of oxygen defects?In this paper, a highly sensitive trap characterization technique based on wavelength-and polarization-resolved photocurrent excitation spectroscopy of single crystalline organic semiconductors is developed and applied for the fi rst time. The method reveals that even a brief illumination of organic molecular crystals in an oxygen atmosphere triggers a long-term oxygen diffusion that continues in the dark and results in formation of oxygen-related traps in the crystal at the length scale ≈ α − 1 , where α is the light absorption coeffi cient. For example, in rubrene, no oxygen diffusion occurs in the dark without an initial photoexcitation, even if the samples are stored in pure oxygen. Our studies show that oxygen incorporation reduces both the dark-and photoconductivity of rubrene and leads to qualitative changes in the photocurrent excitation spectra that can be used for the characterization of traps in molecular crystals.We take advantage of the anisotropic molecular packing of rubrene which results in an optical absorption coeffi cient, α ( λ , θ ), that is both wavelength, λ , and polarization angle, θ , dependent, as is the case in many molecular crystals. [ 8 ] Here, θ is defi ned as an angle between the polarization of linearly polarized light and the a -axis of rubrene (light is always at normal incidence to the...