Molecular dynamics
is employed to simulate the Soret effect on
two binary liquid solutions with equimolar mixtures: normal pentane
-pentane, nC-5) and normal heptane (
-heptane, nC-7) molecules plus normal decane (
-decane, nC-10) and normal pentane
molecules. Moreover, two coarse-grained force field (the CG-FF) potentials,
which may depict inter-/intramolecular interactions fairly well among
-alkane molecules, are developed to fulfill such investigations.
In addition, thermal diffusion for the mass fraction of each of these
-alkane molecules is simulated under an effect of a weak
thermal gradient (temperature difference) exerting on solution systems
from their hot to cold boundary sides. Finally, quantities of the
Soret coefficient (SC) for two binary solutions are calculated by
means of the developed CG-FF
potentials, so as to improve the calculation rationality. As a result,
first, it is found that molecules with light molar masses will migrate
toward the hot boundary side, while those with heavy molar masses
will migrate toward the cold boundary one ; second, the SC quantities
indicate that they match relevant experimental
determinations fairly well, i.e., trends of these SC quantities show
inverse proportionality to the thermal gradient on the systems.