This study uses large-scale cross-national time-diary data from the Multinational Time Use Study (MTUS) (N = 201,972) covering the period from 2005 to 2015 to examine gender differences in time use by age groups. The study compares ten industrialized countries across Asia, Europe, and North America. In all ten countries, gender differences in time use are smaller in personal care, sleeping and meals, followed by leisure time (including screen-based leisure and active leisure), and largest in housework, care work and paid work activities. Gender disparities in time use are higher in South Korea, Hungary, and Italy, followed closely by Spain, with moderate gender gaps in Western European countries like France and Netherlands, and lowest differences in Finland and Anglo-Saxon countries, including Canada, US, and the UK. Gender differences in housework and caring time increase from adolescence (10-17 years) to early adulthood (18-29 years), showing strong gender gaps in early/middle adulthood (30-44 years), but narrow again during late adulthood (65 years or older). However, the age gradient in care work and housework is most pronounced in Italy and South Korea, being less prominent in Canada and Finland. Gender gaps in paid work are larger in early/middle adulthood (30-44) and middle/late adulthood (45-64), with strongest age gradients observed in the Netherlands and weaker gradients for the US. Gender differences in active leisure increase by age, especially in Southern European countries, while screen-based leisure shows more stable gender gaps by age groups across different countries. Overall, this study shows that age and gender intersect strongly in affecting time-use patterns, but also that the national context plays an important role in shaping gender-age interactions in time use allocation.