“…Investigators using adult primates, rats, and gerbils have found that systemic administration of indomethadn decreases cerebral blood flow during normocapnia and reduces the hyperemia induced by hypercapnia (Pickard and MacKenzie, 1973;Sakabe and Siesjo, 1979;Crockard et al, 1982). Conversely, several investigators using rabbits, dogs, and cats have been unable to detect alterations in resting cerebral blood flow and pial arterial diameter or in the responses to hypercapnia or hypoxia following systemic treatment with indomethadn (Wei et al, 1980;Busija, 1983;Busija and Heistad, 1983;Jackson et al, 1983), whereas others reported changes similar to those found in primates, rats, and gerbils after treatment of dogs (Ruszczewski and Herbaczynska-Cedro, 1978), cats (Vlahoo, 1976;Shigeno et al, 1983), and rabbits (Bill, 1979;Pinard, 1983) with indomethadn. Further, measurements of prostanoids in cerebral venous blood and brain tissue have not revealed changes in cerebral prostanoid synthesis during alterations in blood gases (Ellis et al, 1982;Eriksson et al, 1983;Jackson et al, 1983;McCalden et al, 1984).…”