Abstract-We have used comparative sequence analysis to evaluate a putative silencer element that has been proposed to be involved in the differential tissue-expression of the murine renin genes: Ren-1 and Ren-2. In the mouse, these genes share a similar pattern of tissue-specific renin expression. One significant difference is seen in the submandibular gland (SMG) where renin expression from the Ren-2 locus is 100-fold greater than the expression from the Ren-1 locus. One model proposes that this differential expression arises from the interplay among a negative regulatory element and a cAMP responsive element, their respective binding factors, and the disruption of the negative regulatory element by an insertion (M2) that is found in Ren-2 but not in Ren-1. enin is an important regulatory enzyme involved in blood pressure maintenance and electrolyte homeostasis. It catalyzes the first reaction in the production of angiotensin II, a potent vasoactive hormone that is directly involved in both the circulating and tissue-specific renin-angiotensin systems. Many inbred strains of mice, such as DBA/2, which are derived from M. domesticus and M. musculus, possess an additional copy of the renin gene. This second locus arose as a tandem duplication to Ren-1. 1,2 Precisely the same duplication event is observed in the closely related subspecies M. hortulanus and M. spretus. 3 In these mouse species, the 2 renin genes, Ren-1 and Ren-2, share overlapping but nonidentical patterns of tissue-specific expression.The primary site of synthesis for circulating renin in all mouse strains is the kidney. Multiple alleles from both Ren-1hortulanus allele) and Ren-2 (Ren-2 d ϭ Renin-2 DBA/2J allele, Ren-2 h ϭ Renin-2 M. hortulanus allele) are expressed at approximately equal levels in the kidneys from 1-or 2-gene strains of mice. 3,4 In addition, a limited spectrum of extrarenal sites of tissue-renin production, including the adrenal gland, testes, ovaries, coagulating gland, liver, and submandibular gland (SMG), has also been identified. 5 The most dramatic difference in Ren-1 and Ren-2 expression has been noted in the SMG. In 2-gene strains of mice (DBA2/J and M. hortulanus), Ren-2 expression is Ͼ100-fold higher than expression of Ren-1 transcripts. Overall, the Ren-2 d and Ren-2 h alleles show a similar expression pattern as judged by the examination of a number of tissues, including SMG, kidney, testes, coagulating gland, and liver. Ren-1 d and Ren-1 h also share a similar pattern of renin expression, differing only in the increased expression of Ren-1 h in the liver relative to Ren-1 d . 5 Dzau and his colleagues 6 -9 have proposed that the similarities seen for Ren-2 and Ren-1 expression in the kidney, versus the differences seen in the SMG of DBA/2J, result from the complex interplay among a negative regulatory element (NRE), a cAMP responsive element (CRE), and their