Silicate uptake by Nitzschia alba cells is higher in medium containing Na+ than in media lacking Na+ but containing K+, Rb+, NH4W, Li+, or choline+. The initial rate is inhibited by monensin and gramicidmi but not by valinomycin or nigericin and is less sensitive to inhibition by carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP). In isolated membrane vesicles, silicate is taken up when a Na+ gradient is imposed across the membrane or is generated by cytoplasmic Na4,K+-ATPase. H+ or K+ gradients in either direction do not stimulate uptake. Na+-gradient-dependent uptake is inhibited by monensin but not by CCCP, valinomycin, or vanadate, which inhibits the cytoplasmic Nav+a+-ATPase. Uptake increases if an internally negative potential is imposed across the membrane. The vesicular uptake shows saturation kinetics with a Km of 62 jiM and a Vmax of 4.1 nmol/mg of protein per min. In intact cells, the initial rate of silicate uptake increases with pH up to 9.5. Thus, in N. alba, silicate is symported with Na+, and the transport system is driven by the Na+ gradient that is generated and maintained across the membrane by the activity of Na+,K+-ATPase.Silicon is an essential trace element for basic processes ranging from DNA synthesis to bone formation, and in mammalian systems it acts as both a metabolite and a cytotoxic factor (1). But biological research on silicon is difficult, and what is known of its metabolic role has been gained from diatom studies. Diatoms use the silicate ion for wall formation (2), DNA replication (3, 4), nuclear DNA polymerase (5) and thymidylate kinase (4) synthesis, and cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP formation (6); hence diatoms possess specific active silicate transport system(s) (7-10). But little is known of how energy is coupled to silicate transport or of the energy-conserving processes in diatoms. Mitchell's chemosmotic theory of energy conservation in the form of ion gradients has proven to be true in various organisms (11)(12)(13)(14). In eukaryotic mammalian cells, the Na+ gradient, generated and maintained by plasma membranebound Na+,K+-ATPase, is coupled to most transport systems (15)(16)(17). Diatoms also possess a Na+,K+-ATPase in the plasma membrane, though it differs from the mammalian ATPase in many properties (18). Whether this enzyme or other energyyielding processes in the diatoms generate ion gradients has not been examined.In the fresh water diatom Nadculla pelliuulosa, Na+ is somewhat effective in promoting silicate uptake, K+ is half as effective as Na+, and NH+ and Li+ are ineffective (9). Glucose and amino acid transport systems in the marine diatom Cyclotella cryptica were found to be Na+ dependent (19), though it was suggested that the Na+ dependence may also be caused by the indirect effect of Na+ on the energy metabolism. On the The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page charge payment. This article must therefore be hereby marked "advertisement" in accordance with 18 U. S. C. §1734 solely to indicate this fact. 6386other hand, K+-depend...