Gaming addiction has emerged as a significant concern in an increasingly digital world. Despite its prevalence, the medical community lacks standardized guidelines for recognizing and addressing this issue, leaving individuals at risk of untreated addiction. Modern video games employ intentionally addictive practices, akin to gambling mechanisms, intensifying the problem.
This viewpoint article aims to underscore the urgent need for clinical guidelines in the treatment of gaming addiction. By drawing parallels to established protocols for other mental health disorders, we emphasize the importance of implementing universally recognized screening tools and evidence-based interventions.
We conducted a comprehensive analysis of the negative implications of gaming addiction on mental health, social relationships, and personal development. We examined parallels between gaming and gambling practices, highlighting the addictive properties of modern video games and the lack of clinical guidance.
Gaming addiction contributes to psychosocial ailments such as anxiety, depression, and social withdrawal. Parallels with gambling practices reveal how modern games employ addictive mechanisms, with potential long-lasting consequences. The absence of clinical guidelines impedes timely recognition and treatment.
Addressing gaming addiction requires a proactive approach. We advocate for the development of clinical guidelines to recognize, treat, and prevent gaming addiction. By establishing standardized screening tools and evidence-based interventions, clinicians can effectively manage this emerging public health concern. Bridging this gap in clinical guidance is essential to curbing the negative impacts of gaming addiction on individuals' well-being and society at large.