Maternal capabilities-qualities of mothers that enable them to leverage skills and resources into child health-hold potential influence over mother's adoption of child caring practices, including infant and young child feeding. We developed a survey (n = 195) that assessed the associations of 4 dimensions of maternal capabilities (social support, psychological health, decision making, and empowerment) with mothers' infant and young child feeding practices and children's nutritional status in Uganda. Maternal responses were converted to categorical subscales and an overall index. Scale reliability coefficients were moderate to strong (α range = 0.49 to 0.80). Mothers with higher social support scores were more likely to feed children according to the minimum meal frequency (odds ratio [OR] [95% confidence interval The majority of essential public health interventions that are necessary to support child survival in low-income countries, including those aimed at improving child feeding and hygiene practices, target mothers Matare et al., 2015). Caregiver feeding practices of infants and young children present one important set of modifiable behaviours among mothers and are a common target in behaviour change communication interventions. When effectively delivered, appropriate child feeding can reduce undernutrition, mortality, disruption of cognitive development, and earning losses later in life (Stewart, Ionnotti, Dewey, Michaelsen, & Onyango, 2013).Effective child feeding and nutrition depends on a variety of influences at the societal, household, and individual levels World Bank-UNICEF Nutrition, 2002). Although each of these levels exerts some influence over the available resources for feeding, adequate child feeding requires caregivers to execute a set of complex behaviours (e.g., preparing frequent age-appropriate complementary foods and feeding a child responsively) that need to be sustained over List of abbreviations: IYCF, infant and young child feeding; LAZ, length-for-age z-score; WAZ, weight-for-age z-score; WLZ, weight-for-length z-score; WEAI, Women's Empowerment in Agriculture Index; BMI, body mass index Establishing methods for measuring maternal factors, including caregiver capabilities, and documenting associations between these capabilities are important for at least two reasons. First, it allows us to understand where constraints among caregivers may impair intervention impact; for example, if low decision-making capabilities limit the dietary diversity a mother is able to provide, this factor can be strengthened through interventions. Second, we can identify vulnerabilities in caregivers that can benefit from intervention supportive.This study aimed to expand our understanding of the associations between multiple dimensions of caregiver capabilities and child feeding and nutritional status. Using a tool that was developed using formative research in the specific study context, this study (
| Survey developmentThe survey (Data S1) was developed through formative research conducted in...