Recent experimental studies of magneto-resistance in disordered superconducting thin films reveal a huge peak (about 5 orders of magnitude). While it may be expected that magnetic field destroys superconductivity, leading to an enhanced resistance, attenuation of the resistance at higher magnetic fields is surprising. We propose a model which accounts for the experimental results in the entire range of magnetic fields, based on the formation of superconducting islands due to fluctuations in the superconducting order parameter amplitude. At strong magnetic fields Coulomb blockade in these islands gives rise to negative magneto-resistance. As the magnetic field is reduced the effect of Coulomb blockade diminishes and eventually the magneto-resistance changes sign. Numerical calculations show good qualitative agreement with experimental data.PACS numbers: 71.30.+h,73.43.Nq,74.20.Mn The interplay between superconductivity and disorder is a long-standing problem, dating back to the late fifties [1,2], resulting in the common wisdom that weak disorder has no dramatic effect on superconductivity. Strong disorder, however, may have a profound effect, driving the system from a superconducting (SC) to an insulating state. Such a SC-insulator transition (SIT) was observed in two-dimensional amorphous superconducting films [3]. Reducing the film thickness or an increasing perpendicular magnetic field drives these films (which are held below their bulk critical temperature) from a SC state, characterized by a vanishing resistance as T → T c , to an insulating state, characterized by a diverging resistance as T → 0. The possibility of tuning the system continuously between these two phases is a manifestation of a quantum phase transition [4].The origin of this transition is still in debate. While some theories [5] claim that it may be understood in terms of Cooper-pair scattering out of the SC condensate into a Bose-glass state (so-called "dirty boson" models), there is evidence, both experimental [6,7,8,9] and theoretical [10], that a percolation description of the SIT is more adequate for, at least, some of these samples.More insight into the nature of the SIT may be gained by looking at the magneto-resistance (MR) on its insulating side. Decade-old experiments observed nonmonotonic MR, exhibiting a shallow peak at some magnetic field B max [11,12]. Recent experiments [13] show, however, that in some samples the effect is dramatic, with the resistance value at the peak, R max , reaching as high as a few orders of magnitude its value at the SIT. As the magnetic field is further increased the MR drops back a few orders of magnitude (inset of Fig. 3). Further investigations of this effect [14] reveal that disorder also has a major influence. With increasing disorder strength, the critical field for the SIT, B c , diminishes, while R max increases. The temperature dependence of the MR at high temperatures fits an activation-like behavior, R ∝ exp(T 0 /T ), with a magnetic field dependent T 0 as seen in the inset of Fig. 4(a)...