The ability of Streptococcus mutans, a bacterial pathogen associated with dental caries, t o tolerate rapid drops in plaque pH (acidurance), is considered an important virulence factor. To study this trait, Tn917 mutants of 5. mutans strain JH1005 which display acid sensitivity have been isolated and partially characterized. In this paper, the characterization of one of these mutants, AS1 7, is reported. Preliminary sequence analysis revealed that the transposon insertion in AS17 occurred in the intergenic region of a two-gene locus which has been named sat for secretion and acid tolerance. This locus displays a high degree of homology t o the y/xM-ffh operon of Bacillus subtik The sat+ locus was cloned by complementation of a conditional Escherichia coli ffh mutant with an 5. mutans genomic library. Sequencing of the complementing clone identified the intact yIxM and #%i genes as well as a partial ORF with homology t o the proU/opuAC gene of B. subtilis which encodes the binding protein of the ProU/OpuA osmoregulated glycine betaine transport system. RNA dot blot experiments indicated steady-state levels of ffh mRNA in the mutant that were approximately eightfold lower compared to parental levels. This suggests a partial polar effect of the sat=l::Tn917 mutation on ffh expression. Upon acid shock (pH 5)# wild-type ffh mRNA levels were found t o increase approximately four-to eightfold compared to unstressed (pH 7.5) levels. Mutant levels remained unaltered under the same conditions. Experiments designed to investigate the origins of the acid-sensitivity of the mutant revealed a lack of an acid-adaptiveholerance response. Assays of proton-extruding ATPase (H+/ATPase) specific activity measured with purified membranes derived from acidAshocked AS17 showed twofold lower levels compared to the parent strain. Also, AS17 was found to be unable t o ferment sorbitol although it was able t o grow in glucose and a variety of other sugar substrates. These findings suggest that Ffh may be involved in the maintenance of a functional membrane protein composition during adaptation of S. mutans t o changing environmental conditions. Abbreviations: ATR, acid tolerance response; GSP, general secretory pathway; SRP, signal recognition particle.
KeywordsThe CenBank accession number for the DNA sequence of the 3 kb DNA fragment containing the y/xM-ffh genes is U88582.
INTRODUCTIONStreptococcus mutans plays a major role in the aetiology of human dental caries. This bacterium is able to demineralize dental enamel by generation of a localized acidic environment in plaque by rapid glycolysis of dietary sugars to lactic acid. In addition to its acidogenicity, S. mutans is able to tolerate exposure to continual and rapid cycles of acid shock. In vivo pH measurements have demonstrated that the pH of plaque can drop from pH 7.0 to values ranging from 3.0 to 4.0 in less than 20 min following the intake of carbohydrates (Imfeld & Lutz, 1980;Yamada et al., 1980;Mormann & Muhlemann, 1981 ; Schachtele & Harlander, 1984;Jensen & Wefel, 1989). E...