Efeito de probiótico na modulação dos níveis de colesterol sérico e no peso do fígado de ratos, Machado et al.
-INTRODUÇÂONo Brasil, as doenças cardiovasculares são responsáveis por cerca de 300 mil falecimentos por ano, ou seja, 820 por dia. Nos Estados Unidos, são responsáveis por 70 a 80% das mortes de pessoas com mais de 65 anos e de acordo com estimativa, no ano 2003, um em cada cinco indivíduos terá mais de 65 anos [23].A Organização Mundial de Saúde OMS [19] ressalta que o aumento da expectativa de vida de uma população está diretamente relacionada com a prevenção das doenças cardiovasculares.O risco destas doenças, que incluem o infarto e a aterosclerose, tem sido continuamente associado a ní-veis elevados de colesterol sangüíneo e pequena redução do seu nível plasmático está relacionada a um decréscimo significativo desse risco [2].Sabe-se que o principal papel da dieta é fornecer nutrientes para satisfazer os requerimentos de uma alimentação balanceada e ao mesmo tempo proporcionar um sentimento de satisfação e bem-estar ao comensal.
SUMMARY EVALUATION OF THE PROBIOTIC EFFECT IN THE MODULATION OF THE LEVELS OF SERIC CHOLESTEROL AND IN THE WEIGHT OF THE LIVER OF MICES FED WITH RICH DIET IN CHOLESTEROL AND COLIC ACID.Probiotics are known as functional foods and have been recommended as dietary adjunct for individuals with high serum cholesterol levels. To evaluate probiotics effects on the modulation of serum cholesterol an experiment was carried out during 28 days, using 90 Wistar male rats, distributed in four treatments and individually housed, with initial average weight of 250±32g. The experimental groups were: Standard; Control; LDR and P. The Standard group received the AIN-93G diet during the whole experimental period. The other groups received for 28 days the AIN-93G diet added of 1% of cholesterol and 0,1% of cholic acid. Of the 15 th to the 28 th day (after an initial period of 14 days of hipercolesterolemia induction) the LDR group received the supplement of 0,1mL/day/animal of reconstituted skimmed milk at 10% of non fat solids and, the group P received 0,1mL/day/animal of a probiotic in the form of a concentrate of cells contends 10 10 UFC/mL of Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM. Total cholesterol, high density lipoprotein (HDL) and low density lipoprotein (LDL) were evaluated at 28 th days of experiment (immediately after the end of probiotic administration). The dietary increment of 1% of crystalline cholesterol and 0,1% of cholic acid did not promote hipercholesterolemia in the animals, evidenced by the non significant difference (p>0,05) of levels of total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol and HDL-cholesterol among the groups Standard, Control, LDR and P after 14 days receiving hipercholesterolemic diet. However it provoked significant increase of the weight and alteration of normal coloration of liver (of red intense for red yellowish) due to fat accumulation in this organ, in the animals that received rich diet in cholesterol compared to the Standard group. Thus, rich diet in cholesterol and...