†The authors contributed equally to this work.Memory T cells are the very essence of adaptive immunity with their rapid and efficient response to antigen rechallenge and long-term persistence. However, it is becoming increasingly evident that when primed with self or transplanted tissue, these cells play a key role in causing and perpetuating tissue damage. Furthermore, current treatments, which efficiently control the naive response, have limited effects on primed T cells. We have used a treatment based on a combination of antibodies specific for molecules expressed by activated T lymphocytes to selectively remove these cells. This approach, which we termed multi-hit therapy, leads to cumulative binding of antibodies to the target T cells and a striking prolongation of skin graft survival in presensitized recipients in a stringent skin transplant model. The findings are consistent with the depletion of graft-specific CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, although other modes of action, such as T-cell regulation and altered migration could play a role. In conclusion, our therapeutic strategy controls primed T cells which are a major driving force in the pathology of many autoimmune diseases and in transplant rejection.