Human DNA topoisomerase I (Top1p) 3 plays a critical role in processes such as replication, recombination, and transcription (1-4). This 91-kDa enzyme catalyzes the relaxation of supercoiled DNA through the transient cleavage of one strand of the DNA duplex. The Top1p catalytic cycle comprises five sequential steps: DNA binding, cleavage, strand rotation, religation, and release (1-4). During enzyme catalysis, Top1p undergoes large conformational changes, from an "open" structure that allows DNA binding, to the "closed clamp" conformation observed in co-crystal structures, in which the enzyme completely embraces the duplex DNA (5). DNA relaxation appears to proceed via a mechanism of DNA strand rotation, where the covalent attachment of Top1p to the 3Ј-phosphoryl end of the nicked DNA strand liberates the 5Ј-OH end to rotate around the intact nonscissile DNA strand (6). Remarkably, the dynamic changes in protein clamp conformation and linkage of DNA strands occur in the absence of any energy cofactors, such as ATP.Eukaryotic DNA topoisomerase I is the cellular target of the antitumor drug camptothecin (CPT) (7-9). CPT specifically and reversibly binds the covalent Top1p-DNA complex to inhibit DNA religation and induce S-phase-dependent cell lethality. In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, single amino acid substitutions have been defined in Top1p that mimic the cytotoxic activity of CPT by inducing a terminal G 2 -phase phenotype and increased rates of recombination (10 -14). For example, substitution of Ala for residue Thr 722 (within the active site Tyr 727 domain) induces a dramatic reduction in cell viability when expressed in yeast or human cells (10,15). Similar to the action of CPT, this mutation enhances the stability of covalent enzyme-DNA complexes by a reduction in the rate of DNA religation (14). Substitution of Ala for the corresponding residue Thr 718 of human Top1p (top1T718A) induces a similar phenotype and alterations in enzyme catalysis (12). Thus, in yeast and human Top1p, mutation of this conserved Thr residue (located just five residues N-terminal to the active site Tyr) induces cell lethality as a consequence of an increase in the half-life of the covalent enzyme-DNA intermediate (14,16). Recent structures of the C-terminal 70-kDa fragment of human Top1p (Topo70) with DNA and the ternary topotecan Topo70-DNA complex indicate the formation of a hydrogen bond between the hydroxyl of Thr 718 and the nonbridging oxygen of the ϩ1 phosphodiester of the DNA (17). These data suggest that substitution of Ala in this position may alter the orientation of the 5Ј-OH nucleophile to alter the rate of DNA religation.Structural and biochemical data indicate DNA topoisomerase I contains multiple domains that form a protein clamp around duplex DNA (18) (see Fig. 1). Based on limited proteol-* This work was supported in part by grants from the Ministero dell'Instruzione, dell'Università e della Ricerca Cofinanziamento, FIRB, Ministero della Salute, and Genomica Funzionale CNR (to P. B.), the National Institu...