there is increasing evidence that decreased ventilatory muscle contraction contributes signifi cantly to this respiratory failure ( 3,4 ). Friman ( 5 ) reported that in humans, the maximal force that a muscle can produce and the endurance capacity of muscle decreases during infections. Moreover, animal models of infection also showed a decrease in the force that the ventilatory muscles can generate, leading to hypercapneic respiratory failure ( 3,4,6 ). Additionally, endotoxin (lipopolysaccharide, LPS) administration, a model of gram-negative sepsis, also impairs ventilatory muscle contractility ( 7-9 ). Similarly, treatment with tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-␣ ), an important cytokine that mediates many of the effects of sepsis and LPS administration, has been shown to also decrease diaphragmatic pressure and contraction ( 10 ). The administration of TNF-␣ antibodies partially blocked the deleterious effects of LPS on diaphragmatic contractility, suggesting that the effects of sepsis and LPS are mediated by cytokines ( 9 ).The mechanisms accounting for the ventilatory muscle failure during sepsis are likely to be multifactorial ( 3, 4 ). In some circumstances, decreased systemic blood pressure could result in insuffi cient muscle blood fl ow resulting in a reduction in the delivery of oxygen and nutrients required for normal muscle function. However, studies have shown that blood fl ow to the ventilatory muscles increases during sepsis, which should compensate for the Abstract Respiratory failure is a major cause of mortality during septic shock and is due in part to decreased ventilatory muscle contraction. Ventilatory muscles have high energy demands; fatty acid (FA) oxidation is an important source of ATP. FA oxidation is regulated by nuclear hormone receptors; studies have shown that the expression of these receptors is decreased in liver, heart, and kidney during sepsis. Here, we demonstrate that lipopolysaccharide ( Respiratory failure is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in patients with septic shock ( 1, 2 ). This respiratory insuffi ciency is usually attributed to lung injury, but Abbreviations: ACC, acetyl CoA carboxylase; ACS, acyl-CoA synthetase; AGPAT, 1-acyl-glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase; Atp5g1, ATP synthase, H + transporting, mitochondrial FO complex, subunit c; CBP, CREB binding protein; Cox 5a, cytochrome c oxidase, subunit 5a; CPT-1  , carnitine palmitoyltransferase beta; ERR ␣ , estrogen-related receptor alpha; FATP-1, FA transport protein 1; GPAT, glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase; HK1, hexose kinase 1; HK2, hexose kinase 2; Idh3a, isocitrate dehyrogenase 3 (NAD + ) alpha; LPS, lipopolysaccharide; MCAD, medium chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase; Nduf58, NADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) Fe-S protein 8; PDK4, pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase isoenzyme 4; PGC-1, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator-1; SAA, serum amyloid A; SRC1, steroid receptor coactivator-1; TNF-␣ , tumor necrosis factor-alpha; TRAP, thyroid receptor-associated protein.