Repeatedly presenting a non-reinforced stim ulus normally retards conditioning to this stimulus when it is coupled to a reinforcer. This phenomenon is called latent inhibition. Since latent inhibition is disturbed after systemic administration of am pheta mine, the present study investigated the role of the mesolimbic and nigrostriatal dopamine terminal fields in latent inhibition using a conditioned taste aversion (CTA) paradigm. In this paradigm, a 5% sucrose solution was used as the test stimulus and lithium chloride (LiCl) as the CTA inducing drug. The degree of CTA was assessed by measuring the sucrose prefer ence in a two-bottle sucrose/water choice paradigm 24 h after the LiCl injection. Since conditioned taste aversion has so far not been used to evaluate the role of dopamine in latent inhibition, we first studied the effects of systemic application of amphetamine. The results show that intraperitoneal injections of 0.25 or 0.5 mg /leg Âż/-amphetamine sulphate (given at preexposure and conditioning) significantly disrupted latent inhibition, by selectively reducing sucrose preference in the preexposed group. This could not be attributed to a reduced sucrose intake during preex posure or to a conditioned taste aversion effect of am phetamine itself, In experiment 2 local bilateral administration of 10 |xg/0.5 jil amphetamine into the nucleus accumbens or the dorsal striatum was given in the pre-exposed and the conditioning phase, after which the rats were allowed to drink for a fixed period of time. The results show a significant reduction in latent inhibition after intrastriatal, but not after intra-accumbens injections of amphetamine. Intraaccumbens injections of amphetamine, however, significantly reduced fluid intake during preexposure and conditioning. In experiment 3, we therefore repeated this experiment, but allowed the animals to drink only a restricted am o u n t of liquid during preex posure and conditioning. Again the results show a dis ruption of latent inhibition after intrastriatal, but not intra-accumbens injections of amphetamine. These experiments emphasize the importance of the nigro striatal dopamine system in the disruption of latent inhibition, at least when using the conditioned taste aversion paradigm. A possible mechanism by which the dorsal striatum m ight influence latent inhibition is discussed.