A lysine residue in the putative proton uptake pathway of the ATP synthase a-subunit is found only in alkaliphilic Bacillus species and is proposed to play roles in proton capture, retention and passage to the synthase rotor. Here, Lys-180 was replaced with alanine (Ala), glycine (Gly), cysteine (Cys), arginine (Arg), or histidine (His) in the chromosome of alkaliphilic Bacillus pseudofirmus OF4. All mutants exhibited octylglucosidestimulated ATPase activity and -subunit levels at least as high as wild-type. Purified mutant F 1 F 0 -ATP synthases all contained substantial a-subunit levels. The mutants exhibited diverse patterns of native (no octylglucoside) ATPase activity and a range of defects in malate growth and in vitro ATP synthesis at pH 10. Proton-coupled F 1 F 0 -ATP synthases are centrally important for non-fermentative cells that energize ATP synthesis using the energy of an electrochemical proton gradient, the PMF, 3 across the cytoplasmic or thylakoid membrane (bacteria) and across the mitochondrial or chloroplast thylakoid membrane (eukaryotes) (1-3). ATP synthases are composed of two domains, with bacterial synthases having simpler structures than eukaryotic homologues. The cytoplasmically located, soluble F 1 domain encompasses three catalytic ␣-and -subunit pairs and single ␥-, ␦-, and ⑀-subunits. The membrane-associated F 0 domain is composed of a single a-subunit, two b-subunits, and multiple c-subunits (2, 4 -6). ATP synthases function as rotary nano-machines, in which inward translocation of protons through the F 0 domain leads to rotation of a membrane-embedded ring-like rotor (2, 3, 7-10). The rotor is formed from 10 -15 hairpin-like c-subunits, depending upon the organism (11-16). Essential steps in coupling of ATP synthesis to the PMF include the protonation of successive c-subunits of the rotor and, after full rotation of a protonated c-subunit, de-protonation of that subunit through interactions of c-subunits of the rotor with the a-subunit stator component (4,5,7). No high resolution structural data are yet available for the a-subunit, but extensive biochemical and genetic evidence indicates that this ATP synthase subunit plays roles in providing the proton path from outside the membrane surface to the carboxylates of interacting c-subunits of the rotor (4, 17-24). An essential, conserved arginine in TMH4 (Arg-210 in Escherichia coli) is proposed to prevent proton short-cutting to the cytoplasm without rotation (25) and to cause a shift in the pK a of the essential carboxylate so that the proton that has completed rotation dissociates and enters the proton exit pathway leading to the cytoplasm. That proton exit pathway is also likely to be within the a-subunit (4, 5, 18, 23, 26 -28).Valuable insights into the mechanism of ATP synthase have been obtained from studies of bacterial synthases because of the ease of introducing and analyzing effects of mutations (8, 14, 15, 29 -31). Our own studies have focused on the ATP synthase of alkaliphilic Bacillus species. The model extreme alka...