24Soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC) is the primary receptor for nitric oxide (NO) in 25 mammalian nitric oxide signaling. We determined structures of full-length Manduca sexta 26 sGC in both inactive and active states using cryo-electron microscopy. NO and the sGC-27 specific stimulator YC-1 induce a 71° rotation of the heme-binding β H-NOX and PAS 28 domains. Repositioning of the β H-NOX domain leads to a straightening of the coiled-coil 29 domains, which, in turn, use the motion to move the catalytic domains into an active 30 conformation. YC-1 binds directly between the β H-NOX domain and the two CC domains. 31 The structural elongation of the particle observed in cryo-EM was corroborated in solution 32 using small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). These structures delineate the endpoints of 33 the allosteric transition responsible for the major cyclic GMP-dependent physiological 34 effects of NO.
36Nitric oxide (NO) is a critical primary signaling molecule in eukaryotic organisms. 1,2
38Cells detect this diatomic gas through the NO receptor soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC), 39 which is activated by NO to catalyze the cyclization of 5′-guanosine triphosphate (GTP) 40 to 3′,5′-cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP). [3][4][5][6][7][8] The NO signaling pathway, with 41 sGC as a central component, plays crucial roles in the cardiovascular and neurological 42 systems in mammals. 9-11 Furthermore, aberrations in these signaling pathways can lead 43 to pathologies that include various forms of hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and 44 neurodegeneration. 12-16 45 sGC is a heterodimer composed of two subunits, denoted α and β, that are each 46 composed of four domains: an N-terminal heme nitric oxide/oxygen (H-NOX) domain, a 47 Per/Arnt/Sim (PAS)-like domain, a coiled-coil (CC) domain, and a catalytic (CAT) 48 domain. 6,7 Although each subunit contains an H-NOX domain, only the β H-NOX domain 49 binds a heme cofactor, with direct ligation occurring through a conserved histidine 50 residue. 17 The CC domains, together with the PAS domains, are thought to form a 51 structured assembly upon dimerization of sGC. 18 The CAT domains form a wreath-like 52 structure with the active site at the dimer interface. 6,19 53Biochemical aspects of sGC activation by NO have been studied in great detail. 54 Without a ligand bound to the β H-NOX domain, sGC has a low basal activity. A 55 stoichiometric equivalent of NO relative to the sGC heterodimer results in the cleavage of 56 the proximal histidine-iron bond and the formation of a distal five-coordinate ferrous 57 nitrosyl enzyme with 15% of maximal activity. 5,20-22 This low-activity state of sGC will be 58 referred to here as the 1-NO state; importantly, the KD of the ferrous nitrosyl heme is 1.2 59 4× 10 -12 M thus in this state NO remains bound to the heme. 23 The activity of the 1-NO 60 state can be increased to a maximally-active state either by the addition of excess NO 61 (xsNO), or by addition of small-molecule stimulators (e.g. YC-1). 24,25 The molecular 62 mechanis...