Voltage-gated K + (Kv) channels couple the movement of a voltage sensor to the channel gate(s) via a helical intracellular region, the S4-S5 linker. A number of studies link voltage sensitivity to interactions of S4 charges with membrane phospholipids in the outer leaflet of the bilayer. Although the phospholipid phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate (PIP 2 ) in the inner membrane leaflet has emerged as a universal activator of ion channels, no such role has been established for mammalian Kv channels. Here we show that PIP 2 depletion induced two kinetically distinct effects on Kv channels: an increase in voltage sensitivity and a concomitant decrease in current amplitude. These effects are reversible, exhibiting distinct molecular determinants and sensitivities to PIP 2 . Gating current measurements revealed that PIP 2 constrains the movement of the sensor through interactions with the S4-S5 linker. Thus, PIP 2 controls both the movement of the voltage sensor and the stability of the open pore through interactions with the linker that connects them.voltage-gated channels | lipids | channel modulation | open probability V oltage-gated K + (Kv) channels are tetrameric integral membrane proteins critical to membrane excitability that respond rapidly to changes in membrane potential to control membrane permeability to potassium ions. Upon membrane depolarization, a voltage sensor in each subunit undergoes a transition from a resting to an activated state followed by a concerted transition leading to the opening of the pore (1-4). The voltage-sensing domain [i.e., the S1-S4 transmembrane (TM) helices] of Kv channel subunits harbors within its S4 helix several positively charged residues that respond directly to changes in membrane voltage (5-7). The movement of these charges can be monitored by the gating current they produce, and the opening of the pore is monitored by the ionic current that follows. The S4-S5 linker couples the movement of the voltage sensor to the opening of the pore.X-ray structures of Kv channels have shown that the S1-S4 voltage-sensing domains are exposed to lipids when embedded in a membrane (8,9). A number of studies have suggested that, after depolarization, interactions of the S4 charges with lipids in the outer leaflet of the membrane are important in the stabilization of the sensor in the activated state (10-12).Phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate (PIP 2 ), a phospholipid that affects the activity of many types of ion channels (13, 14), acts as a docking platform for the N-terminal domain of fastinactivating Kv channels (15). Activation of Ciona intestinalis voltage-sensitive phosphatase (Ci-VSP), which contains a voltage-sensing domain (S1-S4) coupled to a cytoplasmic phosphatase domain rather than a TM pore, shows a dependence on membrane depolarization similar to that of voltage-gated channels (16). PIP 2 modulates the motions of the Ci-VSP voltagesensor domain and its coupling to the phosphatase domain by interacting with the linker that connects the voltage sensor and phosphatase...