We show that the dispersion properties imposed by an external periodic potential ensure both energy and quasi-momentum conservation such that correlated pairs of atoms can be generated by four wave mixing from a Bose-Einstein condensate moving in an optical lattice potential. In our numerical solution of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation, a condensate with initial quasi-momentum k0 is transferred almost completely ( > 95%) into a pair of correlated atomic components with quasimomenta k1 and k2, if the system is seeded with a smaller number of atoms with the appropriate quasi-momentum k1.PACS numbers: 03.75. Kk, 03.75.Lm, Bose-Einstein condensates in optical lattices provide flexible systems for studying the behavior of coherent matter in periodic potentials. Considerable attention is given to studies in regimes far from the region of validity of mean-field analysis and the Gross-Pitaevskii equation [1], but also the highly non-trivial mean-field dynamics has been and continues to be subject to theoretical and experimental investigations [2,3,4].The process we wish to consider is a four wave mixing (FWM) process, which transfers pairs of atoms coherently from an initial momentum state k 0 to new states with momenta k 1 and k 2 . We consider a Bose-Einstein condensate in a quasi-1D geometry and we will consider only the longitudinal dynamics of the condensate. This geometry is relevant, e.g., for atomic wave guides and atom interferometers based on atom chips [5].In Refs. [6,7], it was shown that nonlinear interaction originating from the s-wave scattering between atoms leads to depletion of the condensate and emission of pairs of atoms at other momenta when a continuous matter wave beam passes through a finite region with enhanced interactions. For a larger condensate, however, the process will not be effective unless it conserves both energy and momentum, i.e., the waves must be phase-matched over the extent of the sample. We shall show how the characteristic energy band structure in a one-dimensional optical lattice can be used to ensure both energy and quasi-momentum conservation, i.e., phase-matching of the FWM process.Our tailoring of the dispersion properties of matter waves by an external potential is inspired by approaches to non-linear optics, which employ various means to ensure phase-matching, e.g., of the FWM process [8,9,10]. A similar phase-matched FWM process has been used to explain giant amplification from semiconductor microcavities, where the polariton dispersion properties can be controlled by the strong photon-exciton coupling [11]. We also note that a recent analysis [12] of the break-up of a bright matter wave soliton was analyzed in terms of dispersion and phase-matching. Phase-matched FWM has been realized in collisions of two condensates in two dimensions [13,14,15], but in the present paper we show that the process can take place with atomic motion along a single direction, for example inside an atomic waveguide.The basic idea of our proposal is illustrated in Fig. 1. In a periodic potentia...