We study the strangeness +1 meson-baryon systems to obtain improved KN and K * N amplitudes and to look for a possible resonance formation by the KN -K * N coupled interaction. We obtain amplitudes for light vector meson-baryon systems by implementing the s-, t-, u-channel diagrams and a contact interaction. The pseudoscalar meson-baryon interactions are obtained by relying on the Weinberg-Tomozawa theorem. The transition amplitudes between the systems consisting of pseudoscalars and vector mesons are calculated by extending the Kroll-Ruderman term for pion photoproduction replacing the photon by a vector meson. We fix the subtraction constants required to calculate the loops by fitting our KN amplitudes to the data available for the isospin 0 and 1 s-wave phase shifts. We provide the scattering lengths and the total cross sections for the KN and K * N systems obtained in our model, which can be useful in future in-medium calculations. Our amplitudes do not correspond to formation of any resonance in none of the isospin and spin configurations.